# Run on 29-mar-2010 on combined env.js WITHOUT parser.js # parser.js crashes jslint Lint at line 22 character 13: Missing semicolon. name Lint at line 23 character 9: 'override' is not defined. override = function(){ Lint at line 25 character 23: Bad for in variable 'name'. for ( name in arguments[i] ) { Lint at line 29 character 34: Expected '{' and instead saw 'Envjs'. if ( g ) Envjs.__defineGetter__(name, g); Lint at line 30 character 34: Expected '{' and instead saw 'Envjs'. if ( s ) Envjs.__defineSetter__(name, s); Lint at line 32 character 25: Expected '{' and instead saw 'Envjs'. Envjs[name] = arguments[i][name]; Lint at line 25 character 17: The body of a for in should be wrapped in an if statement to filter unwanted properties from the prototype. for ( name in arguments[i] ) { Lint at line 37 character 9: 'window' is not defined. window.location = arguments[0]; Lint at line 39 character 9: 'override' is not defined. override(arguments[0]) Lint at line 39 character 31: Missing semicolon. override(arguments[0]) Lint at line 41 character 9: 'override' is not defined. override(arguments[1]); Lint at line 42 character 9: 'window' is not defined. window.location = arguments[0]; Lint at line 112 character 5: 'console' is not defined. console.log('error loading script %s %s', script, e); Lint at line 132 character 7: Expected an identifier and instead saw 'eval' (a reserved word). Envjs.eval = function(context, source, name){}; Lint at line 198 character 23: Expected an identifier and instead saw 'eval' (a reserved word). Envjs.eval( Lint at line 206 character 13: 'e' is already defined. } catch(e) { Lint at line 207 character 9: 'console' is not defined. console.log("could not load script %s \n %s", filename, e ); Lint at line 316 character 57: Move the invocation into the parens that contain the function. frame.contentWindow = (function(){return this;})(); Lint at line 316 character 57: Wrap the entire immediate function invocation in parens. frame.contentWindow = (function(){return this;})(); Lint at line 317 character 13: 'Window' is not defined. new Window(frame.contentWindow, window); Lint at line 317 character 41: 'window' is not defined. new Window(frame.contentWindow, window); Lint at line 317 character 48: Do not use 'new' for side effects. new Window(frame.contentWindow, window); Lint at line 329 character 9: 'console' is not defined. console.log("failed to load frame content: from %s %s", url, e); Lint at line 345 character 3: Move the invocation into the parens that contain the function. })(); Lint at line 345 character 3: Wrap the entire immediate function invocation in parens. })(); Lint at line 351 character 12: 'console' was used before it was defined. console; Lint at line 382 character 17: 'logFormatted' is not defined. logFormatted(arguments, (module)+" "); Lint at line 385 character 17: 'logFormatted' is not defined. logFormatted(arguments, (module)+" debug"); Lint at line 388 character 17: 'logFormatted' is not defined. logFormatted(arguments, (module)+" info"); Lint at line 391 character 17: 'logFormatted' is not defined. logFormatted(arguments, (module)+" warning"); Lint at line 394 character 17: 'logFormatted' is not defined. logFormatted(arguments, (module)+" error"); Lint at line 400 character 17: 'logFormatted' is not defined. logFormatted(arguments, ""); Lint at line 427 character 17: 'parseFormat' is not defined. var parts = parseFormat(format); Lint at line 437 character 13: Expected '{' and instead saw 'appendText'. appendText(part, html); Lint at line 437 character 13: 'appendText' is not defined. appendText(part, html); Lint at line 440 character 16: 'i' is already defined. for (var i = objIndex+1; i < objects.length; ++i) Lint at line 442 character 9: 'appendText' is not defined. appendText(" ", html); Lint at line 444 character 20: 'object' is already defined. var object = objects[i]; Lint at line 446 character 13: Expected '{' and instead saw 'appendText'. appendText(object, html); Lint at line 446 character 13: 'appendText' is not defined. appendText(object, html); Lint at line 448 character 13: Expected '{' and instead saw 'appendObject'. appendObject(object, html); Lint at line 448 character 13: 'appendObject' is not defined. appendObject(object, html); Lint at line 459 character 27: 'appendText' is not defined. var appenderMap = {s: appendText, d: appendInteger, i: appendInteger, f: appendFloat}; Lint at line 459 character 42: 'appendInteger' is not defined. var appenderMap = {s: appendText, d: appendInteger, i: appendInteger, f: appendFloat}; Lint at line 459 character 60: 'appendInteger' is not defined. var appenderMap = {s: appendText, d: appendInteger, i: appendInteger, f: appendFloat}; Lint at line 459 character 78: 'appendFloat' is not defined. var appenderMap = {s: appendText, d: appendInteger, i: appendInteger, f: appendFloat}; Lint at line 464 character 66: 'appendObject' is not defined. var appender = type in appenderMap ? appenderMap[type] : appendObject; Lint at line 465 character 32: Missing radix parameter. var precision = m[3] ? parseInt(m[3]) : (m[4] == "." ? -1 : 0); Lint at line 534 character 20: Use '===' to compare with 'undefined'. if (object == undefined) Lint at line 535 character 13: Expected '{' and instead saw 'appendNull'. appendNull("undefined", html); Lint at line 536 character 25: Use '===' to compare with 'null'. else if (object == null) Lint at line 537 character 13: Expected '{' and instead saw 'appendNull'. appendNull("null", html); Lint at line 539 character 13: Expected '{' and instead saw 'appendString'. appendString(object, html); Lint at line 541 character 13: Expected '{' and instead saw 'appendInteger'. appendInteger(object, html); Lint at line 543 character 13: Expected '{' and instead saw 'appendFunction'. appendFunction(object, html); Lint at line 545 character 13: Expected '{' and instead saw 'appendSelector'. appendSelector(object, html); Lint at line 545 character 13: 'appendSelector' is not defined. appendSelector(object, html); Lint at line 547 character 13: Expected '{' and instead saw 'appendObjectFormatted'. appendObjectFormatted(object, html); Lint at line 547 character 13: 'appendObjectFormatted' is not defined. appendObjectFormatted(object, html); Lint at line 549 character 13: Expected '{' and instead saw 'appendText'. appendText(object, html); Lint at line 562 character 32: Missing semicolon. html.push( m ? m[1] : text) Lint at line 570 character 9: Expected '{' and instead saw 'html'. html.push(escapeHTML(object.id)); Lint at line 572 character 9: Expected '{' and instead saw 'html'. html.push(escapeHTML(object.className)); Lint at line 586 character 17: Expected '{' and instead saw 'continue'. continue; Lint at line 588 character 79: Missing semicolon. html.push( attr.nodeName.toLowerCase(),escapeHTML(attr.nodeValue)) Lint at line 594 character 17: Expected '{' and instead saw 'appendNode'. appendNode(child, html); Lint at line 603 character 2: Unnecessary semicolon. }; Lint at line 613 character 3: Move the invocation into the parens that contain the function. })(); Lint at line 613 character 3: Wrap the entire immediate function invocation in parens. })(); Lint at line 675 character 22: Expected '{' and instead saw 'a'. if ( g ) a.__defineGetter__(i, g); Lint at line 676 character 22: Expected '{' and instead saw 'a'. if ( s ) a.__defineSetter__(i, s); Lint at line 678 character 13: Expected '{' and instead saw 'a'. a[i] = b[i]; Lint at line 672 character 5: The body of a for in should be wrapped in an if statement to filter unwanted properties from the prototype. for ( var i in b ) { Lint at line 680 character 2: Unnecessary semicolon. }; Lint at line 690 character 2: Unnecessary semicolon. }; Lint at line 906 character 38: Missing '()' invoking a constructor. NamedNodeMap.prototype = new NodeList; Lint at line 915 character 25: '__findNamedItemIndex__' is not defined. var itemIndex = __findNamedItemIndex__(this, name); Lint at line 927 character 11: '__ownerDocument__' is not defined. if (__ownerDocument__(this).implementation.errorChecking) { Lint at line 946 character 23: '__findNamedItemIndex__' is not defined. var itemIndex = __findNamedItemIndex__(this, arg.name); Lint at line 954 character 17: '__ownerDocument__' is not defined. if (__ownerDocument__(this).implementation.errorChecking && ret._readonly) { Lint at line 980 character 15: '__ownerDocument__' is not defined. if (__ownerDocument__(this).implementation.errorChecking && Lint at line 986 character 27: '__findNamedItemIndex__' is not defined. var itemIndex = __findNamedItemIndex__(this, name); Lint at line 989 character 15: '__ownerDocument__' is not defined. if (__ownerDocument__(this).implementation.errorChecking && (itemIndex < 0)) { Lint at line 998 character 15: '__ownerDocument__' is not defined. if (__ownerDocument__(this).implementation.errorChecking && oldNode._readonly) { Lint at line 1009 character 25: '__findNamedItemNSIndex__' is not defined. var itemIndex = __findNamedItemNSIndex__(this, namespaceURI, localName); Lint at line 1021 character 13: '__ownerDocument__' is not defined. if (__ownerDocument__(this).implementation.errorChecking) { Lint at line 1028 character 17: '__ownerDocument__' is not defined. if (__ownerDocument__(this) != __ownerDocument__(arg)) { Lint at line 1028 character 44: '__ownerDocument__' is not defined. if (__ownerDocument__(this) != __ownerDocument__(arg)) { Lint at line 1039 character 25: '__findNamedItemNSIndex__' is not defined. var itemIndex = __findNamedItemNSIndex__(this, arg.namespaceURI, arg.localName); Lint at line 1047 character 17: '__ownerDocument__' is not defined. if (__ownerDocument__(this).implementation.errorChecking && ret._readonly) { Lint at line 1068 character 15: '__ownerDocument__' is not defined. if (__ownerDocument__(this).implementation.errorChecking && (this._readonly || (this.parentNode && this.parentNode._readonly))) { Lint at line 1073 character 27: '__findNamedItemNSIndex__' is not defined. var itemIndex = __findNamedItemNSIndex__(this, namespaceURI, localName); Lint at line 1076 character 15: '__ownerDocument__' is not defined. if (__ownerDocument__(this).implementation.errorChecking && (itemIndex < 0)) { Lint at line 1084 character 15: '__ownerDocument__' is not defined. if (__ownerDocument__(this).implementation.errorChecking && oldNode._readonly) { Lint at line 1191 character 2: Missing semicolon. } Lint at line 1211 character 2: Missing semicolon. } Lint at line 1223 character 13: 'NamespaceNodeMap' is not defined. new NamespaceNodeMap(namednodemap.ownerDocument, parentNode): Lint at line 1250 character 46: Missing '()' invoking a constructor. NamespaceNodeMap.prototype = new NamedNodeMap; Lint at line 1261 character 24: 'ns' is already defined. var ns = this.parentNode.parentNode._namespaces. Lint at line 1371 character 36: Use '===' to compare with '0'. if (this.attributes.length == 0) { Lint at line 1378 character 16: '__recursivelyGatherText__' is not defined. return __recursivelyGatherText__(this); Lint at line 1381 character 31: Use '!==' to compare with 'null'. while(this.firstChild != null){ Lint at line 1390 character 20: Use '===' to compare with 'null'. if(newChild==null){ Lint at line 1393 character 20: Use '===' to compare with 'null'. if(refChild==null){ Lint at line 1399 character 13: '__ownerDocument__' is not defined. if (__ownerDocument__(this).implementation.errorChecking) { Lint at line 1406 character 17: '__ownerDocument__' is not defined. if (__ownerDocument__(this) != __ownerDocument__(newChild)) { Lint at line 1406 character 44: '__ownerDocument__' is not defined. if (__ownerDocument__(this) != __ownerDocument__(newChild)) { Lint at line 1411 character 17: '__isAncestor__' is not defined. if (__isAncestor__(this, newChild)) { Lint at line 1421 character 17: '__ownerDocument__' is not defined. if (__ownerDocument__(this).implementation.errorChecking && (itemIndex < 0)) { Lint at line 1491 character 20: Use '===' to compare with 'null'. if(newChild==null || oldChild==null){ Lint at line 1491 character 38: Use '===' to compare with 'null'. if(newChild==null || oldChild==null){ Lint at line 1496 character 13: '__ownerDocument__' is not defined. if (__ownerDocument__(this).implementation.errorChecking) { Lint at line 1503 character 17: '__ownerDocument__' is not defined. if (__ownerDocument__(this) != __ownerDocument__(newChild)) { Lint at line 1503 character 44: '__ownerDocument__' is not defined. if (__ownerDocument__(this) != __ownerDocument__(newChild)) { Lint at line 1508 character 17: '__isAncestor__' is not defined. if (__isAncestor__(this, newChild)) { Lint at line 1517 character 13: '__ownerDocument__' is not defined. if (__ownerDocument__(this).implementation.errorChecking && (index < 0)) { Lint at line 1579 character 13: '__ownerDocument__' is not defined. if (__ownerDocument__(this).implementation.errorChecking && Lint at line 1588 character 13: '__ownerDocument__' is not defined. if (__ownerDocument__(this).implementation.errorChecking && (itemIndex < 0)) { Lint at line 1619 character 13: '__ownerDocument__' is not defined. if (__ownerDocument__(this).implementation.errorChecking) { Lint at line 1626 character 17: '__ownerDocument__' is not defined. if (__ownerDocument__(this) != __ownerDocument__(this)) { Lint at line 1626 character 44: '__ownerDocument__' is not defined. if (__ownerDocument__(this) != __ownerDocument__(this)) { Lint at line 1631 character 17: '__isAncestor__' is not defined. if (__isAncestor__(this, newChild)) { Lint at line 1684 character 20: '__ownerDocument__' is not defined. return __ownerDocument__(this).importNode(this, deep); Lint at line 1729 character 23: 'i' is already defined. for(var i = 0; i < nodesToRemove.length; i++) { Lint at line 1737 character 16: '__ownerDocument__' is not defined. return __ownerDocument__(this).implementation.hasFeature(feature, version); Lint at line 1742 character 37: '__ownerDocument__' is not defined. var nodelist = new NodeList(__ownerDocument__(this)); Lint at line 1744 character 13: 'nodeList' is not defined. nodeList = __getElementsByTagNameRecursive__(this.childNodes.item(i), tagname, nodelist); Lint at line 1744 character 24: '__getElementsByTagNameRecursive__' is not defined. nodeList = __getElementsByTagNameRecursive__(this.childNodes.item(i), tagname, nodelist); Lint at line 1750 character 16: '__getElementsByTagNameNSRecursive__' is not defined. return __getElementsByTagNameNSRecursive__(this, namespaceURI, localName, Lint at line 1751 character 26: '__ownerDocument__' is not defined. new NodeList(__ownerDocument__(this))); Lint at line 1760 character 9: '__ownerDocument__' is not defined. __ownerDocument__(this).importing = true; Lint at line 1763 character 18: '__ownerDocument__' is not defined. if (!__ownerDocument__(this).implementation.namespaceAware) { Lint at line 1765 character 30: '__ownerDocument__' is not defined. importNode = __ownerDocument__(this).createElement(importedNode.tagName); Lint at line 1773 character 30: '__ownerDocument__' is not defined. importNode = __ownerDocument__(this).createElementNS(importedNode.namespaceURI, importedNode.nodeName); Lint at line 1776 character 27: 'i' is already defined. for(var i = 0; i < importedNode.attributes.length; i++) { Lint at line 1782 character 27: 'i' is already defined. for(var i = 0; i < importedNode._namespaces.length; i++) { Lint at line 1783 character 49: '__ownerDocument__' is not defined. importNode._namespaces[i] = __ownerDocument__(this).createNamespace(importedNode._namespaces.item(i).localName); Lint at line 1788 character 18: '__ownerDocument__' is not defined. if (!__ownerDocument__(this).implementation.namespaceAware) { Lint at line 1790 character 30: '__ownerDocument__' is not defined. importNode = __ownerDocument__(this).createAttribute(importedNode.name); Lint at line 1793 character 30: '__ownerDocument__' is not defined. importNode = __ownerDocument__(this).createAttributeNS(importedNode.namespaceURI, importedNode.nodeName); Lint at line 1796 character 27: 'i' is already defined. for(var i = 0; i < importedNode._namespaces.length; i++) { Lint at line 1797 character 49: '__ownerDocument__' is not defined. importNode._namespaces[i] = __ownerDocument__(this).createNamespace(importedNode._namespaces.item(i).localName); Lint at line 1807 character 26: '__ownerDocument__' is not defined. importNode = __ownerDocument__(this).createDocumentFragment(); Lint at line 1810 character 26: '__ownerDocument__' is not defined. importNode = __ownerDocument__(this).createNamespace(importedNode.nodeName); Lint at line 1814 character 26: '__ownerDocument__' is not defined. importNode = __ownerDocument__(this).createTextNode(importedNode.data); Lint at line 1817 character 26: '__ownerDocument__' is not defined. importNode = __ownerDocument__(this).createCDATASection(importedNode.data); Lint at line 1820 character 26: '__ownerDocument__' is not defined. importNode = __ownerDocument__(this).createProcessingInstruction(importedNode.target, importedNode.data); Lint at line 1823 character 26: '__ownerDocument__' is not defined. importNode = __ownerDocument__(this).createComment(importedNode.data); Lint at line 1830 character 23: 'i' is already defined. for(var i = 0; i < importedNode.childNodes.length; i++) { Lint at line 1831 character 40: '__ownerDocument__' is not defined. importNode.appendChild(__ownerDocument__(this).importNode(importedNode.childNodes.item(i), true)); Lint at line 1836 character 9: '__ownerDocument__' is not defined. __ownerDocument__(this).importing = false; Lint at line 1856 character 13: Expected '{' and instead saw 'return'. return Node.DOCUMENT_POSITION_EQUAL; Lint at line 1859 character 13: Expected '{' and instead saw 'return'. return Node.DOCUMENT_POSITION_IMPLEMENTATION_SPECIFIC| Lint at line 1875 character 13: Expected '{' and instead saw 'return'. return Node.DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINED_BY| Lint at line 1879 character 13: Expected '{' and instead saw 'return'. return Node.DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINS| Lint at line 1905 character 25: Expected '{' and instead saw 'return'. return Node.DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING; Lint at line 1907 character 25: Expected '{' and instead saw 'parent'. parent = aparents[i-1]; Lint at line 2008 character 13: Expected '{' and instead saw 'accumulateText'. accumulateText += node.data; Lint at line 2010 character 13: Expected '{' and instead saw 'accumulateText'. accumulateText += __recursivelyGatherText__(node); Lint at line 2034 character 2: Unnecessary semicolon. }; Lint at line 2073 character 2: Unnecessary semicolon. }; Lint at line 2095 character 31: Missing '()' invoking a constructor. Namespace.prototype = new Node; Lint at line 2134 character 35: Missing '()' invoking a constructor. CharacterData.prototype = new Node; Lint at line 2195 character 81: Use '!==' to compare with '0'. if (__ownerDocument__(this).implementation.errorChecking && (offset != 0)) { Lint at line 2263 character 35: Missing '()' invoking a constructor. Text.prototype = new CharacterData; Lint at line 2327 character 34: Missing '()' invoking a constructor. CDATASection.prototype = new Text; Lint at line 2350 character 38: Missing '()' invoking a constructor. Comment.prototype = new CharacterData; Lint at line 2376 character 34: Missing '()' invoking a constructor. DocumentType.prototype = new Node; Lint at line 2408 character 26: Missing '()' invoking a constructor. Attr.prototype = new Node; Lint at line 2433 character 34: Use '!==' to compare with 'undefined'. return (this!==null&&this!=undefined); Lint at line 2440 character 13: Expected '{' and instead saw 'return'. return __escapeXML__(this.nodeValue+""); Lint at line 2442 character 13: Expected '{' and instead saw 'return'. return ''; Lint at line 2462 character 29: Missing '()' invoking a constructor. Element.prototype = new Node; Lint at line 2502 character 22: '__isValidString__' is not defined. if (!__isValidString__(value+'')) { Lint at line 2528 character 13: '__isIdDeclaration__' is not defined. if (__isIdDeclaration__(newAttr.name)) { Lint at line 2569 character 19: 'value' is already defined. var value = value+''; Lint at line 2579 character 18: '__isValidNamespace__' is not defined. if (!__isValidNamespace__(this.ownerDocument, namespaceURI, qualifiedName, true)) { Lint at line 2584 character 18: '__isValidString__' is not defined. if (!__isValidString__(value)) { Lint at line 2611 character 40: '__isIdDeclaration__' is not defined. if ((newAttr.prefix == "") && __isIdDeclaration__(newAttr.name)) { Lint at line 2641 character 17: Expected '{' and instead saw 'ns'. ns = ' xmlns'+(this.prefix?(':'+this.prefix):'')+ Lint at line 2650 character 17: Expected '{' and instead saw 'attrstring'. attrstring += " "+attrs[i].name+'="'+attrs[i].xml+'"'; Lint at line 2654 character 17: Expected '{' and instead saw 'attrstring'. attrstring += " "+attrs[i].name+'="'+attrs[i].xml+'"'; Lint at line 2713 character 38: Missing '()' invoking a constructor. DocumentFragment.prototype = new Node; Lint at line 2751 character 43: Missing '()' invoking a constructor. ProcessingInstruction.prototype = new Node; Lint at line 3026 character 12: Unnecessary escapement. amp: "\u0026", Lint at line 3027 character 11: Unnecessary escapement. lt: "\u003C", Lint at line 3028 character 11: Unnecessary escapement. gt: "\u003E", Lint at line 3130 character 23: 'HTMLDocument' is not defined. var doc = new HTMLDocument($implementation, null, ""); Lint at line 3130 character 36: '$implementation' is not defined. var doc = new HTMLDocument($implementation, null, ""); Lint at line 3228 character 2: Unnecessary semicolon. }; Lint at line 3239 character 2: Unnecessary semicolon. }; Lint at line 3250 character 21: 're_validName' is not defined. return name.match(re_validName); Lint at line 3251 character 2: Unnecessary semicolon. }; Lint at line 3265 character 23: 're_invalidStringChars' is not defined. return (name.search(re_invalidStringChars) < 0); Lint at line 3266 character 2: Unnecessary semicolon. }; Lint at line 3293 character 2: Unnecessary semicolon. }; Lint at line 3315 character 2: Unnecessary semicolon. }; Lint at line 3433 character 41: Missing semicolon. this.implementation = implementation Lint at line 3445 character 30: Missing '()' invoking a constructor. Document.prototype = new Node; Lint at line 3469 character 20: 'XPathExpression' is not defined. return new XPathExpression(xpath, nsuriMap); Lint at line 3493 character 13: Bad line breaking before '&&'. && (!__isValidName__(target))) { Lint at line 3505 character 17: Bad line breaking before '&&'. && (!__isValidName__(tagName))) { Lint at line 3523 character 18: '__isValidNamespace__' is not defined. if (!__isValidNamespace__(this, namespaceURI, qualifiedName)) { Lint at line 3545 character 13: Bad line breaking before '&&'. && (!__isValidName__(name))) { Lint at line 3563 character 18: '__isValidNamespace__' is not defined. if (!__isValidNamespace__(this, namespaceURI, qualifiedName, true)) { Lint at line 3602 character 15: Missing 'new' prefix when invoking a constructor. throw Error('Document.evaluate not supported yet!'); Lint at line 3635 character 20: 'window' is not defined. return window.getComputedStyle(elem); Lint at line 3647 character 23: Use '===' to compare with 'true'. if (doc.importing == true) { Lint at line 3660 character 22: Use '===' to compare with 'false'. if (this.parsing == false) { Lint at line 3699 character 9: 'XML' is not defined. XML.ignoreComments = false; Lint at line 3700 character 9: 'XML' is not defined. XML.ignoreProcessingInstructions = false; Lint at line 3701 character 9: 'XML' is not defined. XML.ignoreWhitespace = false; Lint at line 3705 character 18: 'XMLList' is not defined. e4 = new XMLList(xmlstring); Lint at line 3707 character 9: '__toDomNode__' is not defined. __toDomNode__(e4, doc, doc); Lint at line 3726 character 5: The body of a for in should be wrapped in an if statement to filter unwanted properties from the prototype. for (item in e4) { Lint at line 3810 character 3: Move the invocation into the parens that contain the function. })(); Lint at line 3810 character 3: Wrap the entire immediate function invocation in parens. })(); Lint at line 3852 character 22: Expected '{' and instead saw 'a'. if ( g ) a.__defineGetter__(i, g); Lint at line 3853 character 22: Expected '{' and instead saw 'a'. if ( s ) a.__defineSetter__(i, s); Lint at line 3855 character 13: Expected '{' and instead saw 'a'. a[i] = b[i]; Lint at line 3849 character 5: The body of a for in should be wrapped in an if statement to filter unwanted properties from the prototype. for ( var i in b ) { Lint at line 3857 character 2: Unnecessary semicolon. }; Lint at line 3867 character 2: Unnecessary semicolon. };/** Lint at line 3895 character 13: Expected '{' and instead saw 'aspect'. aspect = function() { Lint at line 3900 character 13: Expected '{' and instead saw 'aspect'. aspect = function() { Lint at line 3905 character 13: Expected '{' and instead saw 'aspect'. aspect = function() { Lint at line 3911 character 65: Expected an identifier and instead saw 'arguments' (a reserved word). return advice.value.apply(invocation.object, [{ arguments: invocation.args, method: method, proceed : Lint at line 3921 character 13: 'pointcut' is not defined. pointcut = source = aspect = old = null; Lint at line 3946 character 36: Use '!==' to compare with 'null'. if (source[method] != null && source[method] instanceof Function && method.match(pointcut.method)) Lint at line 3952 character 32: Use '===' to compare with '0'. if (advices.length == 0) Lint at line 3953 character 17: Expected '{' and instead saw 'throw'. throw 'No method: ' + pointcut.method; Lint at line 4104 character 3: Move the invocation into the parens that contain the function. })(); Lint at line 4104 character 3: Wrap the entire immediate function invocation in parens. })(); Lint at line 4116 character 5: '__addEventListener__' is not defined. __addEventListener__(this, type, fn, phase); Lint at line 4119 character 5: '__removeEventListener__' is not defined. __removeEventListener__(this, type, fn); Lint at line 4122 character 5: '__dispatchEvent__' is not defined. __dispatchEvent__(this, event, bubbles); Lint at line 4156 character 2: Unnecessary semicolon. }; Lint at line 4182 character 2: Unnecessary semicolon. }; Lint at line 4188 character 9: Expected '{' and instead saw 'event'. event.uuid = __eventuuid__++; Lint at line 4192 character 17: Use '===' to compare with 'undefined'. if (bubbles == undefined || bubbles == null) Lint at line 4192 character 41: Use '===' to compare with 'null'. if (bubbles == undefined || bubbles == null) Lint at line 4193 character 9: Expected '{' and instead saw 'bubbles'. bubbles = true; Lint at line 4200 character 55: 'window' is not defined. if ( event.type && (target.nodeType || target === window )) { Lint at line 4203 character 9: '__captureEvent__' is not defined. __captureEvent__(target, event); Lint at line 4210 character 46: ['CAPTURING'] is better written in dot notation. $events[target.uuid][event.type]['CAPTURING'].forEach(function(fn){ Lint at line 4220 character 46: ['BUBBLING'] is better written in dot notation. $events[target.uuid][event.type]['BUBBLING'].forEach(function(fn){ Lint at line 4233 character 13: '__bubbleEvent__' is not defined. __bubbleEvent__(target, event); Lint at line 4251 character 2: Unnecessary semicolon. }; Lint at line 4267 character 59: ['CAPTURING'] is better written in dot notation. $events[event.currentTarget.uuid][event.type]['CAPTURING'].forEach(function(fn){ Lint at line 4272 character 14: Don't make functions within a loop. }); Lint at line 4275 character 2: Unnecessary semicolon. }; Lint at line 4283 character 59: ['BUBBLING'] is better written in dot notation. $events[event.currentTarget.uuid][event.type]['BUBBLING'].forEach(function(fn){ Lint at line 4288 character 14: Don't make functions within a loop. }); Lint at line 4292 character 2: Unnecessary semicolon. }; Lint at line 4365 character 30: Missing '()' invoking a constructor. UIEvent.prototype = new Event; Lint at line 4401 character 35: Missing '()' invoking a constructor. MouseEvent.prototype = new UIEvent; Lint at line 4461 character 38: Missing '()' invoking a constructor. KeyboardEvent.prototype = new UIEvent; Lint at line 4521 character 35: Expected an identifier and instead saw 'arguments' (a reserved word). node = invocation.arguments[0]; Lint at line 4551 character 36: Missing '()' invoking a constructor. MutationEvent.prototype = new Event; Lint at line 4663 character 20: A constructor name should start with an uppercase letter. return new clazz(); Lint at line 4677 character 3: Move the invocation into the parens that contain the function. })(); Lint at line 4677 character 3: Wrap the entire immediate function invocation in parens. })(); Lint at line 4690 character 5: Redefinition of 'setTimeout'. var setTimeout, Lint at line 4691 character 5: Redefinition of 'clearTimeout'. clearTimeout, Lint at line 4692 character 5: Redefinition of 'setInterval'. setInterval, Lint at line 4693 character 5: Redefinition of 'clearInterval'. clearInterval; Lint at line 4753 character 1: Read only. setTimeout = function(fn, time){ Lint at line 4792 character 1: Read only. setInterval = function(fn, time){ Lint at line 4818 character 1: Read only. clearInterval = clearTimeout = function(num){ Lint at line 4818 character 17: Read only. clearInterval = clearTimeout = function(num){ Lint at line 4866 character 17: Bad for in variable 'index'. for(index in $timers){ Lint at line 4866 character 13: The body of a for in should be wrapped in an if statement to filter unwanted properties from the prototype. for(index in $timers){ Lint at line 4877 character 10: Don't make functions within a loop. }); Lint at line 4944 character 3: Move the invocation into the parens that contain the function. })(); Lint at line 4944 character 3: Wrap the entire immediate function invocation in parens. })(); Lint at line 4953 character 17: 'HTMLDocument' was used before it was defined. var HTMLDocument, Lint at line 5005 character 5: Redefinition of 'Image'. Image, Lint at line 5006 character 5: Redefinition of 'Option'. Option; Lint at line 5029 character 2: Unnecessary semicolon. }; Lint at line 5039 character 22: Expected '{' and instead saw 'a'. if ( g ) a.__defineGetter__(i, g); Lint at line 5040 character 22: Expected '{' and instead saw 'a'. if ( s ) a.__defineSetter__(i, s); Lint at line 5042 character 13: Expected '{' and instead saw 'a'. a[i] = b[i]; Lint at line 5036 character 5: The body of a for in should be wrapped in an if statement to filter unwanted properties from the prototype. for ( var i in b ) { Lint at line 5044 character 2: Unnecessary semicolon. }; Lint at line 5054 character 2: Unnecessary semicolon. }; Lint at line 5068 character 10: Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. this.head; Lint at line 5069 character 10: Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. this.body; Lint at line 5071 character 38: Missing '()' invoking a constructor. HTMLDocument.prototype = new Document; Lint at line 5112 character 47: Line breaking error 'break'. node = new HTMLElement(this); break Lint at line 5112 character 52: Missing semicolon. node = new HTMLElement(this); break Lint at line 5194 character 28: 'HTMLULElement' is not defined. node = new HTMLULElement(this);break; Lint at line 5224 character 13: Expected '{' and instead saw 'this'. this.appendChild(this.createElement('html')); Lint at line 5243 character 13: Expected '{' and instead saw 'this'. this.appendChild(this.createElement('html')); Lint at line 5263 character 13: Expected '{' and instead saw 'this'. this.appendChild(this.createElement('html')); Lint at line 5271 character 13: Expected '{' and instead saw 'this'. this.appendChild(this.createElement('html')); Lint at line 5289 character 16: 'Cookies' is not defined. return Cookies.get(this); Lint at line 5292 character 16: 'Cookies' is not defined. return Cookies.set(this, cookie); Lint at line 5351 character 44: Bad escapement. var HOSTNAME = new RegExp('\/\/([^\:\/]+)'), Lint at line 5361 character 20: Confusing use of '!'. if(!(newDomainParts[i] == domainParts[i])){ Lint at line 5402 character 6: Extra comma. }, Lint at line 5459 character 33: 'Window' is not defined. Window; Lint at line 5459 character 33: Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. Window; Lint at line 5460 character 36: 'e' is already defined. }catch(e){ Lint at line 5478 character 44: 'Window' is not defined. if(Window){ Lint at line 5485 character 44: 'e' is already defined. }catch(e){} Lint at line 5487 character 36: 'e' is already defined. }catch(e){ Lint at line 5513 character 21: Expected a 'break' statement before 'default'. }//switch on name Lint at line 5575 character 36: 'e' is already defined. }catch(e){ Lint at line 5581 character 21: Expected a 'break' statement before 'default'. }//switch on name Lint at line 5602 character 9: '__eval__' is not defined. __eval__(this.getAttribute('onload')||'', this); Lint at line 5605 character 9: '__eval__' is not defined. __eval__(this.getAttribute('onunload')||'', this); Lint at line 5608 character 9: '__eval__' is not defined. __eval__(this.getAttribute('onabort')||'', this); Lint at line 5611 character 9: '__eval__' is not defined. __eval__(this.getAttribute('onerror')||'', this); Lint at line 5614 character 9: '__eval__' is not defined. __eval__(this.getAttribute('onselect')||'', this); Lint at line 5617 character 9: '__eval__' is not defined. __eval__(this.getAttribute('onchange')||'', this); Lint at line 5620 character 13: '__eval__' is not defined. if (__eval__(this.getAttribute('onsubmit')||'', this)) { Lint at line 5625 character 9: '__eval__' is not defined. __eval__(this.getAttribute('onreset')||'', this); Lint at line 5628 character 9: '__eval__' is not defined. __eval__(this.getAttribute('onfocus')||'', this); Lint at line 5631 character 9: '__eval__' is not defined. __eval__(this.getAttribute('onblur')||'', this); Lint at line 5634 character 9: '__eval__' is not defined. __eval__(this.getAttribute('onresize')||'', this); Lint at line 5637 character 9: '__eval__' is not defined. __eval__(this.getAttribute('onscroll')||'', this); Lint at line 5643 character 9: Confusing use of '!'. if (!script == ""){ Lint at line 5909 character 36: Missing '()' invoking a constructor. HTMLElement.prototype = new Element; Lint at line 5961 character 35: ['height'] is better written in dot notation. return Number((this.style["height"]||'').replace("px","")); Lint at line 5964 character 35: ['width'] is better written in dot notation. return Number((this.style["width"]||'').replace("px","")); Lint at line 5999 character 13: Expected '{' and instead saw 'value'. value = 0; Lint at line 6034 character 17: Expected '{' and instead saw 'ns'. ns = ' xmlns'+(this.prefix?(':'+this.prefix):'')+ Lint at line 6050 character 50: Missing semicolon. this.childNodes[i].xml Lint at line 6056 character 72: Expected a 'break' statement before 'default'. ret += "<" + name + ns + attrstring +">"; Lint at line 6054 character 13: This 'switch' should be an 'if'. switch(name){ Lint at line 6090 character 2: Missing semicolon. } Lint at line 6235 character 58: Missing semicolon. __eval__(this.getAttribute('onchange')||'', this) Lint at line 6271 character 44: Missing '()' invoking a constructor. HTMLInputCommon.prototype = new HTMLElement; Lint at line 6312 character 52: Missing '()' invoking a constructor. HTMLTypeValueInputs.prototype = new HTMLInputCommon; Lint at line 6364 character 56: Missing '()' invoking a constructor. HTMLInputAreaCommon.prototype = new HTMLTypeValueInputs; Lint at line 6390 character 46: Missing '()' invoking a constructor. HTMLAnchorElement.prototype = new HTMLElement; Lint at line 6480 character 44: Missing '()' invoking a constructor. HTMLAreaElement.prototype = new HTMLElement; Lint at line 6540 character 44: Missing '()' invoking a constructor. HTMLBaseElement.prototype = new HTMLElement; Lint at line 6588 character 44: Missing '()' invoking a constructor. HTMLBodyElement.prototype = new HTMLElement; Lint at line 6591 character 56: Missing semicolon. __eval__(this.getAttribute('onload')||'', this) Lint at line 6594 character 58: Missing semicolon. __eval__(this.getAttribute('onunload')||'', this) Lint at line 6611 character 42: Missing '()' invoking a constructor. HTMLBRElement.prototype = new HTMLElement; Lint at line 6631 character 54: Missing '()' invoking a constructor. HTMLButtonElement.prototype = new HTMLTypeValueInputs; Lint at line 6654 character 46: Missing '()' invoking a constructor. HTMLCanvasElement.prototype = new HTMLElement; Lint at line 6675 character 48: Missing '()' invoking a constructor. HTMLTableColElement.prototype = new HTMLElement; Lint at line 6726 character 43: Missing '()' invoking a constructor. HTMLModElement.prototype = new HTMLElement; Lint at line 6754 character 43: Missing '()' invoking a constructor. HTMLDivElement.prototype = new HTMLElement; Lint at line 6777 character 45: Missing '()' invoking a constructor. HTMLDListElement.prototype = new HTMLElement; Lint at line 6797 character 50: Missing '()' invoking a constructor. HTMLLegendElement.prototype = new HTMLInputCommon; Lint at line 6817 character 54: Missing '()' invoking a constructor. HTMLFieldSetElement.prototype = new HTMLLegendElement; Lint at line 6841 character 44: Missing '()' invoking a constructor. HTMLFormElement.prototype = new HTMLElement; Lint at line 6918 character 45: Missing '()' invoking a constructor. HTMLFrameElement.prototype = new HTMLElement; Lint at line 6984 character 48: Missing '()' invoking a constructor. HTMLFrameSetElement.prototype = new HTMLElement; Lint at line 7012 character 47: Missing '()' invoking a constructor. HTMLHeadingElement.prototype = new HTMLElement; Lint at line 7028 character 44: Missing '()' invoking a constructor. HTMLHeadElement.prototype = new HTMLElement; Lint at line 7039 character 22: 'newChild' is already defined. var newChild = HTMLElement.prototype.appendChild.apply(this,[newChild]); Lint at line 7045 character 22: 'newChild' is already defined. var newChild = HTMLElement.prototype.insertBefore.apply(this,[newChild]); Lint at line 7052 character 6: Extra comma. }, Lint at line 7065 character 42: Missing '()' invoking a constructor. HTMLHRElement.prototype = new HTMLElement; Lint at line 7085 character 44: Missing '()' invoking a constructor. HTMLHtmlElement.prototype = new HTMLElement; Lint at line 7105 character 51: Missing '()' invoking a constructor. HTMLIFrameElement.prototype = new HTMLFrameElement; Lint at line 7130 character 45: Missing '()' invoking a constructor. HTMLImageElement.prototype = new HTMLElement; Lint at line 7139 character 16: Missing radix parameter. return parseInt(this.getAttribute('height')) || 0; Lint at line 7182 character 16: Missing radix parameter. return parseInt(this.getAttribute('width')) || 0; Lint at line 7188 character 56: Missing semicolon. __eval__(this.getAttribute('onload')||'', this) Lint at line 7200 character 1: Read only. Image = function(width, height) { Lint at line 7209 character 18: Missing radix parameter. this.width = parseInt(width) || 0; Lint at line 7210 character 19: Missing radix parameter. this.height = parseInt(height) || 0; Lint at line 7212 character 39: Missing '()' invoking a constructor. Image.prototype = new HTMLImageElement; Lint at line 7223 character 53: Missing '()' invoking a constructor. HTMLInputElement.prototype = new HTMLInputAreaCommon; Lint at line 7285 character 49: Missing '()' invoking a constructor. HTMLLabelElement.prototype = new HTMLInputCommon; Lint at line 7314 character 42: Missing '()' invoking a constructor. HTMLLIElement.prototype = new HTMLElement; Lint at line 7334 character 44: Missing '()' invoking a constructor. HTMLLinkElement.prototype = new HTMLElement; Lint at line 7391 character 56: Missing semicolon. __eval__(this.getAttribute('onload')||'', this) Lint at line 7407 character 43: Missing '()' invoking a constructor. HTMLMapElement.prototype = new HTMLElement; Lint at line 7431 character 44: Missing '()' invoking a constructor. HTMLMetaElement.prototype = new HTMLElement; Lint at line 7471 character 46: Missing '()' invoking a constructor. HTMLObjectElement.prototype = new HTMLElement; Lint at line 7563 character 45: Missing '()' invoking a constructor. HTMLOListElement.prototype = new HTMLElement; Lint at line 7583 character 48: Missing '()' invoking a constructor. HTMLOptGroupElement.prototype = new HTMLElement; Lint at line 7635 character 50: Missing '()' invoking a constructor. HTMLOptionElement.prototype = new HTMLInputCommon; Lint at line 7680 character 59: 'node' is not defined. if (options.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE && node.tagName === "OPTION") { Lint at line 7745 character 1: Read only. Option = function(text, value, defaultSelected, selected) { Lint at line 7768 character 2: Missing semicolon. } Lint at line 7770 character 41: Missing '()' invoking a constructor. Option.prototype = new HTMLOptionElement; Lint at line 7778 character 49: Missing '()' invoking a constructor. HTMLParagraphElement.prototype = new HTMLElement; Lint at line 7795 character 45: Missing '()' invoking a constructor. HTMLParamElement.prototype = new HTMLElement; Lint at line 7836 character 46: Missing '()' invoking a constructor. HTMLScriptElement.prototype = new HTMLElement; Lint at line 7951 character 54: Missing '()' invoking a constructor. HTMLSelectElement.prototype = new HTMLTypeValueInputs; Lint at line 8018 character 10: Unnecessary semicolon. }; Lint at line 8042 character 9: '__add__' is not defined. __add__(this); Lint at line 8045 character 9: '__remove__' is not defined. __remove__(this); Lint at line 8060 character 45: Missing '()' invoking a constructor. HTMLStyleElement.prototype = new HTMLElement; Lint at line 8095 character 45: Missing '()' invoking a constructor. HTMLTableElement.prototype = new HTMLElement; Lint at line 8196 character 22: 'inserted' is already defined. var inserted = document.createElement("tr"); Lint at line 8293 character 52: Missing '()' invoking a constructor. HTMLTableSectionElement.prototype = new HTMLElement; Lint at line 8388 character 49: Missing '()' invoking a constructor. HTMLTableCellElement.prototype = new HTMLElement; Lint at line 8412 character 62: Missing '()' invoking a constructor. HTMLTableDataCellElement.prototype = new HTMLTableCellElement; Lint at line 8430 character 64: Missing '()' invoking a constructor. HTMLTableHeaderCellElement.prototype = new HTMLTableCellElement; Lint at line 8449 character 56: Missing '()' invoking a constructor. HTMLTextAreaElement.prototype = new HTMLInputAreaCommon; Lint at line 8478 character 45: Missing '()' invoking a constructor. HTMLTitleElement.prototype = new HTMLElement; Lint at line 8504 character 48: Missing '()' invoking a constructor. HTMLTableRowElement.prototype = new HTMLElement; Lint at line 8618 character 45: Missing '()' invoking a constructor. HTMLUListElement.prototype = new HTMLElement; Lint at line 8635 character 47: Missing '()' invoking a constructor. HTMLUnknownElement.prototype = new HTMLElement; Lint at line 8649 character 3: Move the invocation into the parens that contain the function. })(); Lint at line 8649 character 3: Wrap the entire immediate function invocation in parens. })(); Lint at line 8679 character 22: Expected '{' and instead saw 'a'. if ( g ) a.__defineGetter__(i, g); Lint at line 8680 character 22: Expected '{' and instead saw 'a'. if ( s ) a.__defineSetter__(i, s); Lint at line 8682 character 13: Expected '{' and instead saw 'a'. a[i] = b[i]; Lint at line 8676 character 5: The body of a for in should be wrapped in an if statement to filter unwanted properties from the prototype. for ( var i in b ) { Lint at line 8684 character 2: Unnecessary semicolon. }; Lint at line 8694 character 2: Unnecessary semicolon. }; Lint at line 8701 character 23: '__supportedStyles__' is not defined. this.styleIndex = __supportedStyles__();//non-standard Lint at line 8704 character 5: '__cssTextToStyles__' is not defined. __cssTextToStyles__(this, element.getAttribute('style')||''); Lint at line 8713 character 17: Expected '{' and instead saw 'css'. css+=" "; Lint at line 8718 character 9: '__cssTextToStyles__' is not defined. __cssTextToStyles__(this, cssText); Lint at line 8728 character 12: '__toCamelCase__' is not defined. if(__toCamelCase__(name) in this.styleIndex){ Lint at line 8730 character 25: '__toCamelCase__' is not defined. return this[__toCamelCase__(name)]; Lint at line 8734 character 17: Expected '{' and instead saw 'return'. return this[index]; Lint at line 8744 character 16: '__toDashed__' is not defined. name = __toDashed__(name); Lint at line 8752 character 16: '__toCamelCase__' is not defined. name = __toCamelCase__(name); Lint at line 8761 character 20: '__toDashed__' is not defined. name = __toDashed__(name); Lint at line 8782 character 4: Mixed spaces and tabs. style = styles[i].split(':'); Lint at line 8784 character 4: Mixed spaces and tabs. if ( style.length == 2 ){ Lint at line 8786 character 4: Mixed spaces and tabs. css2props.setProperty( style[0].replace(" ",'','g'), style[1].replace(" ",'','g')); Lint at line 8787 character 4: Mixed spaces and tabs. } Lint at line 8794 character 4: Mixed spaces and tabs. return name.replace(/\-(\w)/g, function(all, letter){ Lint at line 8795 character 4: Mixed spaces and tabs. return letter.toUpperCase(); Lint at line 8796 character 4: Mixed spaces and tabs. }); Lint at line 8804 character 4: Mixed spaces and tabs. return camelCaseName.replace(/[A-Z]/g, function(all) { Lint at line 8805 character 4: Mixed spaces and tabs. return "-" + all.toLowerCase(); Lint at line 8806 character 4: Mixed spaces and tabs. }); Lint at line 8989 character 6: Don't make functions within a loop. })(style); Lint at line 8989 character 7: Move the invocation into the parens that contain the function. })(style); Lint at line 8989 character 7: Wrap the entire immediate function invocation in parens. })(style); Lint at line 8961 character 1: The body of a for in should be wrapped in an if statement to filter unwanted properties from the prototype. for(var style in __supportedStyles__()){ Lint at line 8990 character 2: Unnecessary semicolon. }; Lint at line 9034 character 4: Mixed spaces and tabs. if (!text) text = ""; Lint at line 9034 character 20: Expected '{' and instead saw 'text'. if (!text) text = ""; Lint at line 9035 character 4: Mixed spaces and tabs. text = trim(text.replace(/\/\*(\r|\n|.)*\*\//g,"")); Lint at line 9035 character 16: 'trim' is not defined. text = trim(text.replace(/\/\*(\r|\n|.)*\*\//g,"")); Lint at line 9036 character 4: Mixed spaces and tabs. // TODO: @import ? Lint at line 9037 character 4: Mixed spaces and tabs. var blocks = text.split("}"); Lint at line 9038 character 4: Mixed spaces and tabs. blocks.pop(); Lint at line 9039 character 4: Mixed spaces and tabs. var i, len = blocks.length; Lint at line 9040 character 4: Mixed spaces and tabs. var definition_block, properties, selectors; Lint at line 9041 character 4: Mixed spaces and tabs. for (i=0; i