re #65 thanks fiann and Johnathan Bro...
was committed by thatcher
Wednesday Sep 09
changeset - re #69 thanks Larry and Brandt http:/... was committed by thatcher 07:24 PM changeset
- re #67 thanks Johnathan Brochu http:/... was committed by thatcher 07:24 PM changeset
- re #64 thanks Nate was committed by thatcher 07:24 PM changeset
DOMDocument : jQuery 1.3.1: isXml causing endless recursionwas updated by Thatcher 07:12 PM ticket - 1.1 Release was updated by Thatcher 07:11 PM milestone
- 1.1 Release was updated by Thatcher 07:10 PM milestone
Bulk Edit command
project:id#21590 responsible:none state:"invalid" milestone:id#29945
8 tickets affected:#41 #43 #44 #46 #47 #49 #50 #51
. 07:09 PM bulk edit - FAIL (78) [core] Add a form (adds the elements) was updated by Thatcher 07:06 PM ticket
- Wrong this in $w.dispatchEvent for on* callbacks was updated by Thatcher 07:06 PM ticket