Changeset [31f87c1c4ecd6241905ed5fcf62e349dc598c990] by thatcher
February 2nd, 2010 @ 04:00 AM
initial commit of refactor 1.2.0.x, see README.Refactor.txt
Committed by thatcher
- A README.Refactor.txt
- A dist/console.js
- A dist/css.js
- A dist/dom.js
- A dist/event.js
- A dist/html.js
- A dist/parser.js
- A dist/platform/core.js
- A dist/platform/rhino.js
- A dist/releases/1.1.rc2/env-js.jar
- A dist/releases/1.1.rc2/env.1.1.rc2.js
- A dist/releases/1.1.rc2/env.rhino.1.1.rc2.js
- A dist/timer.js
- A dist/window.js
- A dist/xhr.js
- A htmlparser/
- A htmlparser/
- A settings.js
- A src/common/__extend__.js
- A src/common/__setArray__.js
- A src/common/__trim__.js
- A src/common/intro.js
- A src/common/outro.js
- A src/console/__global__.js
- A src/console/console.js
- A src/css/__global__.js
- A src/css/htmlelement.js
- A src/css/
- A src/css/jss-0-4/changelog.txt
- A src/css/jss-0-4/index.html
- A src/css/jss-0-4/js/jquery.js
- A src/css/jss-0-4/js/jss.js
- A src/css/jss-0-4/js/test.js
- A src/css/jss-0-4/readme.txt
- A src/css/jss-0-4/styles/test.css
- A src/css/jss-0-4/styles/test2.css
- A src/css/jss-0-4/test.html
- A src/dom/__global__.js
- A src/dom/documentfragment.js
- A src/dom/documenttype.js
- A src/dom/domexception.js
- A src/dom/domimplementation.js
- A src/dom/entity.js
- A src/dom/entityreference.js
- A src/dom/notation.js
- A src/dom/processinginstruction.js
- A src/dom/xmlserializer.js
- A src/env/__global__.js
- A src/env/core/console.js
- A src/env/core/html.js
- A src/env/core/profile.js
- A src/env/core/timer.js
- A src/env/core/window.js
- A src/env/core/xhr.js
- A src/env/rhino/console.js
- A src/env/rhino/profile.js
- A src/env/rhino/timer.js
- A src/env/rhino/window.js
- A src/env/rhino/xhr.js
- A src/env/rhino/xslt.js
- A src/event/__global__.js
- A src/event/documentevent.js
- A src/event/eventexception.js
- A src/event/eventtarget.js
- A src/event/keyboardevent.js
- A src/event/mutationevent.js
- A src/html/__global__.js
- A src/html/htmlevents.js
- A src/html/keyboardevents.js
- A src/html/mouseevents.js
- A src/html/p.js
- A src/html/unknown.js
- A src/parser/__global__.js
- A src/parser/document.js
- A src/parser/domparser.js
- A src/parser/htmldocument.js
- A src/parser/htmlelement.js
- A src/parser/htmlparser.js
- A src/parser/htmlparser.pretty.js
- A src/timer/__global__.js
- A src/timer/timer.js
- A src/window/__global__.js
- A src/window/frame.js
- A src/xhr/__global__.js
- A src/xhr/document.js
- A src/xhr/form.js
- A src/xhr/location.js
- A src/xhr/xmlhttprequest.js
- A src/xpath/__global__.js
- A test/firebug/.svn/all-wcprops
- A test/firebug/.svn/entries
- A test/firebug/.svn/format
- A test/firebug/.svn/prop-base/errorIcon.png.svn-base
- A test/firebug/.svn/prop-base/infoIcon.png.svn-base
- A test/firebug/.svn/prop-base/warningIcon.png.svn-base
- A test/firebug/.svn/text-base/errorIcon.png.svn-base
- A test/firebug/.svn/text-base/firebug.css.svn-base
- A test/firebug/.svn/text-base/firebug.html.svn-base
- A test/firebug/.svn/text-base/firebug.js.svn-base
- A test/firebug/.svn/text-base/firebugx.js.svn-base
- A test/firebug/.svn/text-base/infoIcon.png.svn-base
- A test/firebug/.svn/text-base/warningIcon.png.svn-base
- A test/fixtures/simple.html
- A test/fixtures/simple.txt
- A test/fixtures/simple.xml
- A test/jqUnit.js
- A test/qunit.css
- A test/results.html
- A test/specs/console/spec.html
- A test/specs/console/spec.js
- A test/specs/css/spec.html
- A test/specs/css/spec.js
- A test/specs/dom/spec.html
- A test/specs/dom/spec.js
- A test/specs/env/spec.html
- A test/specs/env/spec.js
- A test/specs/event/spec.html
- A test/specs/event/spec.js
- A test/specs/html/spec.html
- A test/specs/html/spec.js
- A test/specs/parser/spec.js
- A test/specs/timer/spec.html
- A test/specs/timer/spec.js
- A test/specs/window/proxy.html
- A test/specs/window/proxy.js
- A test/specs/window/spec.js
- A test/specs/xhr/spec.js
- R DTD/xhtml-lat1.ent
- R DTD/xhtml-special.ent
- R DTD/xhtml-symbol.ent
- R DTD/xhtml.soc
- R DTD/xhtml1-frameset.dtd
- R DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd
- R DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd
- R DTD/xhtml1.dcl
- R dist/env-js.jar
- R src/build.js
- R src/cruft/bad.html
- R src/cruft/dom.js
- R src/cruft/element.js
- R src/cruft/good.html
- R src/cruft/good.js
- R src/cruft/internal.js
- R src/cruft/parser.js
- R src/dom/doctype.js
- R src/dom/dom.js
- R src/dom/entities.js
- R src/dom/exception.js
- R src/dom/fragment.js
- R src/dom/implementation.js
- R src/dom/instruction.js
- R src/dom/parser.js
- R src/html/anchor.js
- R src/html/htmlparser.js
- R src/intro.js
- R src/outro.js
- R src/parser/html5.detailed.js
- R src/parser/html5.min.js
- R src/parser/html5.pretty.js
- R src/parser/intro.js
- R src/parser/outro.js
- R src/platform/core.js
- R src/platform/rhino.js
- R src/serializer/xml.js
- R src/window/css.js
- R src/window/dialog.js
- R src/window/document.js
- R src/window/event.js
- R src/window/location.js
- R src/window/timer.js
- R src/window/xhr.js
- R test/specs/dist/env.spec.js
- R test/specs/envjs.spec.css
- R test/specs/parser/html.js
- R test/specs/parser/xml.js
- R test/specs/qunit.bdd.js
- R test/specs/template/spec-0.js
- R test/specs/template/spec-1.js
- R test/specs/template/spec.html
- R test/specs/window/css.js
- R test/specs/window/dialog.js
- R test/specs/window/document.js
- R test/specs/window/event.js
- R test/specs/window/history.js
- R test/specs/window/location.js
- R test/specs/window/navigator.js
- R test/specs/window/screen.js
- R test/specs/window/timer.js
- R test/specs/window/window.js
- R test/specs/xhr/xhr.js
- M .gitignore
- M
- M build.xml
- M dist/env.js
- M dist/env.rhino.js
- M htmlparser/
- M src/css/properties.js
- M src/css/rule.js
- M src/css/stylesheet.js
- M src/dom/attr.js
- M src/dom/cdatasection.js
- M src/dom/characterdata.js
- M src/dom/comment.js
- M src/dom/document.js
- M src/dom/element.js
- M src/dom/namednodemap.js
- M src/dom/namespace.js
- M src/dom/node.js
- M src/dom/nodelist.js
- M src/dom/text.js
- M src/event/event.js
- M src/event/mouseevent.js
- M src/event/uievent.js
- M src/html/a.js
- M src/html/area.js
- M src/html/base.js
- M src/html/blockquote-q.js
- M src/html/body.js
- M src/html/button.js
- M src/html/canvas.js
- M src/html/col-colgroup.js
- M src/html/collection.js
- M src/html/cookie.js
- M src/html/del-ins.js
- M src/html/div.js
- M src/html/document.js
- M src/html/element.js
- M src/html/fieldset.js
- M src/html/form.js
- M src/html/frame.js
- M src/html/frameset.js
- M src/html/head.js
- M src/html/iframe.js
- M src/html/img.js
- M src/html/input-elements.js
- M src/html/input.js
- M src/html/label.js
- M src/html/legend.js
- M src/html/link.js
- M src/html/map.js
- M src/html/meta.js
- M src/html/object.js
- M src/html/optgroup.js
- M src/html/option.js
- M src/html/param.js
- M src/html/script.js
- M src/html/select.js
- M src/html/style.js
- M src/html/table.js
- M src/html/tbody-thead-tfoot.js
- M src/html/td-th.js
- M src/html/textarea.js
- M src/html/title.js
- M src/html/tr.js
- M src/profile/profile.js
- M src/window/history.js
- M src/window/navigator.js
- M src/window/screen.js
- M src/window/window.js
- M src/xpath/expression.js
- M src/xpath/result.js
- M src/xslt/processor.js
- M test/debug.js
- M test/specs/parser/spec.html
- M test/specs/qunit.js
- M test/specs/window/spec.html
- M test/specs/xhr/spec.html
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