Changeset [c894923c516b112a5eacb7272d107d7811175efe] by thatcher

March 9th, 2010 @ 04:13 PM

verifies document.writeln works during parsing. the test still unforunately requires a server process as it is in the xhr spec which wont work currently in ff without special permissions. This doesnt solve the blueridge race condition. we need to improve this test out of the box so its easier for users to verify.

Committed by thatcher

  • M build.xml
  • M src/html/document.js
  • M src/parser/htmldocument.js
  • M src/platform/core/html.js
  • M src/xhr/location.js
  • M test/specs/xhr/index.html
  • M test/specs/xhr/spec.js
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