Changeset [d927f19e7a1e758517708f22644e84518592b413] by thatcher

April 29th, 2010 @ 05:25 AM

cookies are now honored for any use of XHR, which should internally include html docs, css, javascript, images(if enabled), and other links. coookies are set with set-cookie response header and sent for every request to matching domain with 'cookie' response header. moved Envjs.uri tests to new specs/platform/core.js and added a couple basic cookie tests

Committed by thatcher

  • A specs/platform/core.js
  • R src/html/cookie.js
  • M build.xml
  • M specs/fixtures/cookies.json
  • M specs/platform/rhino.js
  • M src/html/document.js
  • M src/html/element.js
  • M src/platform/core/html.js
  • M src/platform/core/window.js
  • M src/platform/rhino/window.js
  • M src/xhr/location.js
  • M src/xhr/xmlhttprequest.js
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a javascript browser environment